USST Rocketry
The Zenith rocket is the USST’s first full high powered rocket. It was used to compete in the 2024 Launch Canada Challenge. We are currently developing and testing a new rocket for the 2025 Launch Canada Challenge.
Our Sub-Teams

Systems is in charge if keeping everything organized. Compiling reports for competition and tracking the work flow of the other sub-teams.

Outreach manages the team's social media presence. They manage the website and prepare and give presentations to the public. They also hold recruitment events on campus.

Aerostructure is responsible for designing and manufacturing the structure of the Rocket.

Avionics is in charge of designing and implementing all the electrical and computer systems that make our rocket fly. They assist other subteams with implementing electrical systems and create software and design hardware to record flight data and track our rocket as it flies.

Propulsion integrates the motor into our rocket and is working on developing a fully student researched and designed motor.

Recovery is responsible for the parachute selection and deployment systems. They are currently working on developing their own drogue chute for the upcoming LC 2025 competition.
Our Sponsors
Stage 4: Apogee Ally

Stage 3: Supersonic Supporter
Stage 2: Lift-off